Global Macro/Markets:
- Stabilising the gold price – FT Alphaville
- World Gold Council launches new ‘Gold Facts’ website – goldfacts.org
- Looking for a Robust Defence of Austerity – mainly macro
North America:
- Is it time to short Canadian banks? – The Globe & Mail
- Video interview on the Canadian housing market – The Globe & Mail
- Why Canada’s economy is in trouble – Sober Look
- US unemployment rate fell from 7.9% in Jan to 7.7% in Feb, lowest since Dec ’08 – Wall Street Journal. Partly due to 130k leaving workforce as participation rate plummets.
- Fed Mulls Putting a ‘Not For Sale’ Sign on Its Assets – CNBC
- Federal Reserve releases summary results of bank stress tests – Federal Reserve
- What will happen as more eurozone voters tired of austerity find the Fiscal Compact blocking change? – Financial Times
- China Vanke chairman warns of property bubble – Wall Street Journal. Then turns around & raises $800m bonds – Financial Times
- China February exports surge, supports recovery hopes – Reuters
- China warns over fresh currency tensions – Financial Times
- Green’s big bank tax showdown – The Age
- Bartho goes into bat for the banks – Business Spectator. But no mention of the two notch ratings upgrade the banks receive from implicit taxpayer support, which significantly lowers their funding costs. Why not make it explicit for a fee (insurance premium)? The error from the Greens is calling it a super profits tax, rather than an insurance premium, which is essentially what it is.
- Can Australia survive Treasurer Hockey? – Business Spectator
- Housing market sentiment rising: RP Data – Property Observer
- Cost of gender gap at $195 billion – The Age
- More job seekers leaving market for good – The Age
- Melbourne’s growth for growth’s sake – The Age. Still a parasite city.
- PM rolls-out pork barrel in Western Sydney – The Australian
- The government looks to trim-down agencies – The Australian
- BHP to cut debt in asset sell-off – The Australian
- Property struggles back with an eye on the RBA – The AFR
- Swan in a budget bind – The AFR
- Property optimism lifts – The AFR