Reader a63 posted a comment linking to the latest edition of the Department of Minerals & Petroleum’s Prospect magazine. On pages 34 to 36 you will find some incredible statistics and maps of the massive mining-related investment currently underway or planned in Western Australia.
According to the magazine, “There are currently more than A$180 billion worth of projects either committed or under consideration for the State during the next few years. These will create more than 50,000 construction jobs and 15,000 permanent jobs.”
Below are tables summarising the massive scale of investment. First, alumina, iron ore and steel:

And now the rest:

Also, check out the map of current or planned capital investment projects. First, the overall map:

All those blue and red dots represent current or proposed projects.
And here’s an inset of the projects near Perth:

Breathtaking is how I would describe those maps. Little wonder Western Australia’s state final demand shot to the moon last quarter.