Find below the iron ore price table for June 28, 2013:
And the charts:
And rebar:
The spreads are all normal:
Chinese port inventories fell marginally last week to 74.9 million tonnes. And steel inventories remain very high.
Which is where we find a little news flow with daily steel production rates still not falling. And from Xinhua:
A report posted on the China I
ron and Steel Association ( CISA)’s website on Monday said that a weak economic reco very, low demand, high prices for raw materials
and high steel output have caused an oversupply of steel product s. The report, which was compiled
by the Laigang Group, a major iron and steelcorporation bas ed in east China’s Shandong Pr ovince, said unfavorable indus try conditions will remain in July , a slack season for the manuf acturing industry. Although an overall urbanizati
on plan is expected to be revi ewed in July, it is not likely to affect the iron and steel i ndustry in the short-term, acc ording to the report. The International Monetary Fun
d (IMF) recently cut its forec ast for China’s 2013economic g rowth from 8 percent to 7.75 p ercent, indicating slower grow th for thecountry’s economy, t he report said. However, figures from the Nati
onal Bureau of Statistics show ed that steel outputincreased by 11.3 percent year on year t o 91.19 million tonnes in May. In the first five months of the year, steel prod uct output rose 10.8 percent y ear on year to reach 426.16 million tonnes. Meanwhile, the Complex Steel P
rice Index (CSPI) released by CISA dropped by 13.35 percent year on year to hit 10 1.83 by the end of May, down 3 .71 percent from that of April. The industry profit frate was
only 0.23 percent in the first four months and 40 percentof large and medium-sized steel b usinesses suffered operational losses, according to CISA.
Under such circumstances, stee
lmakers are trying to find way s to cope. He Wenbo,general ma nager of the Shanghai-based Ba osteel Group, said developing high-techproducts is one of th em. The company has developed a ty
pe of steel called ultrafort s teel that is thinner, lightera nd stronger than traditional s teel. A vehicle made out of ul trafort steel can travel farther on less gasoline while remaining safe to drive. However, He said high-tech ste
el products that were once con sidered to have high value, such as ship sheet, aut o sheet, steel tubing and sili con steel, are also in a stateof oversupp
ly due to excessive investment and fierce competition. Wang Yifang, chairman of the H
ebei Iron and Steel Group the group has worked to fine-tune its management to re duce costs. The group is China’s largest c
rude steel producer, with over 69.2 million tonnes ofcrude s teel produced last year, or 10 percent of the country’s tota l. Xu Kuangdi, director of the Ch
inese Society for Metals, said the oversupply problem may take at least five to 10 y ears to be solved.
That’ll be a long decade for iron ore producers then.