The Palmer United Party has won a Tasmanian Senate seat via Jacqui Lambie reports the SMH:
”If he thinks that Pauline Hanson was a pain in the rear end, Tony Abbott better look out,” she said. ”He hasn’t come up against Jacqui Lambie.”
She originally planned to stand for the Senate as an independent, selling her house in Burnie to finance her campaign, but then ran into party leader Clive Palmer and agreed to be his lead candidate.
…Ms Lambie has already shown an independent streak, telling the ABC she disagreed with her party’s policy to remove the price on carbon.
“There still needs to be a carbon tax, but it just needs to be a lot lower,” she said.She will replace Labor senator Lin Thorp when the new Senate takes its place next July. As expected, the other five seats in Tasmania went to sitting
It is still the case that the Palmer United Party is likely to hold the balance of power in the Senate. Given the resonating symbolic damage that withdrawing from carbon pricing will do to the global fight against climate change, Ms Lambie’s little shoulders are carrying a very large burden.