A new use for Murdoch “news” paper


By Chris Becker

The response to the Sydney siege yesterday from the nation’s media was telling, confirming the strata of quality. The usual “we dont know what’s going on, but we’ll speculate anyway”, combined with the usual left/right bias of commentators and experts quickly dragged on screen was the standard for the mainstream, although I tip my hat to the ABC with former Army captain James Brown providing the most steady analysis.

In the gutter is the Murdoch press, headlined by the Daily Telegraph with its tasteless and unethical coverage, inciting fear and showing hostages faces and coming out with a “special” 2pm fear issue.

I won’t show the screenshot as someone has worked out what you do with that paper:


At least Uncle Rupert is proud:


If the outcome wasn’t so tragic it’s like a repeat of Frontline….