My mobile has just bugged out on 200 comments for w/e links, so here is the promised spillover page.
I note a whiff that Tones may have the numbers but, God knows why, surely it just means we’ll be re-visiting this again after another few weeks/months of festering. Malcolm is talking like someone who is going to give it a crack, without actually saying “I’m going to give it a crack”.
In the meantime Lord Rupes has spoken ( I only include for the irony value )
And the grumbling about Tones pulling an internal-Newman has begun.
“Several Liberal MPs including senator Arthur Sinodinos have publicly criticised Prime Minster Tony Abbott’s decision to bring forward a party room vote on the leadership to Monday.”
Sunday arvo drinking game now appears to be a mandatory slurp every time you hear “Captain’s Call”. Don’t miss #ImStickingWithTony, a Twitter hashtag set up to support the PM, though you wouldn’t know it!
And on the circus rolls…