Credit Suisse does a little Millennial digging today:
Millennials are the largest generation in history and soon coming to full maturity as investors. Sustainability, clean energy, impact investing matter to the Millennials and will gain in importance in the coming years. As digital natives, Millennials are disrupting the traditional models and redefi ning consumption, with Millennial brands emerging. Micro apartments are developing as an attractive type of housing for Millennials and investors.
Fifty percent of the world’s population is under the age of 30, and the values of this generation are set to become the norm. The term “Millennials” (or “Generation Y”) refers to those of 19-34 years of age, and “Generation Z” refers to those under the age of 19. We refer to them simply as “Millennials.” A number of institutions have conducted research into this generation’s behavioral tendencies. Millennials exhibit unique features (see Figure 1). Moreover, they are one of the largest generations in history. They are infl uential and soon coming to full maturity as investors. We at Credit Suisse are ready to meet their needs and investment interests with a focused Millennials’ Values investment theme.