Cross-posted from Crude Oil Peak:
Immigrants to blame for high house prices, businessman Dick Smith claims
Mr Smith said “jumbo loads” of immigrants arriving each week were the “main driver” behind the country’s housing affordability crisis
Fig 1: Dick Smith: “But the most fundamental right is to own a house with a backyard – young couples can’t do that anymore”
Might we add, the higher cumulative immigration, the longer the petrol lines at the filling stations when the next oil crisis arrives.
Dick Smith’s campaign on population growth is well known. His website is here:
In December 2016 he warned on Channel 10: “…immigration should be around 70 K a year…it’s impossible to have more and more people forever…let’s keep Australia at 26 million….we can’t have perpetual growth”
And former Prime Minister Tony Abbott recently entered the debate: “we’ll cut immigration to make housing more affordable”
As this is a direct challenge to the current Prime Minister Turnbull the immigration politics are not going to be rational.
Australia’s population clock is here:[email protected]/0/1647509ef7e25faaca2568a900154b63?OpenDocument
In this post, we look at the statistics and population scenarios for Sydney and NSW.
Times are changing. Usually, population growth is presented as a given so that the public accepts all the problems now very apparent in Sydney: worsening traffic congestion, pollution, unaffordable housing, overcrowding in schools and hospitals.
Back in January, the SMH wrote:
21 Jan 2017
“WestConnex [road tunnel], light rail, the Bays precinct, Green Square, Badgerys Creek [airport], a population that is expected to push past 5.5 million over the next decade, and a city that is rapidly building infrastructure to keep up with it.”
Fig 2: SMH copies NSW government’s “Main series” scenario
The numbers are from the NSW government’s population website
Under the “Scenarios” tab, the above website shows this graph:
Fig 3: Graph shown on NSW population website for projection series
The projection range in Fig 3 merely reflects different assumptions for birth and death rates, but not immigration scenarios. These are hidden in an XLS table (scenario data tab):
Fig 4: NSW government population scenarios
The difference between zero net overseas migration (4.889 million) and the main series (6.421 million) is fundamental, 1.5 million. This would be a new capital on its own. Or almost 4 Canberras, if you like.
The scenarios have following settings and parameters:
Fig 6: Parameters for population scenarios in NSW
NOM to NSW during the 2011-2016 period was 64,940 pa or 1,250 per week (yes, three and a half 747-400s)
A high fertility rate is unlikely as most of the additional population is planned to be housed in flats. This has not been considered in a NSW document (2014) on births:
Note the difference between “series” and “scenarios”. We put the zero overseas migration scenarios (line 20 and 21 in Fig 4) into a graph:
We find that natural population growth 2016-2036 without net interstate migration and zero NOM would be 5.14 – 4.68 = 460 K. However, Sydney siders are leaving the city in droves, so the resulting population would only be 4.89 million, an increase of 210 K. Even that in itself could be a new city outside the commuting distance of Sydney
This would be an energy frugal city mainly with terrace housing, community based commercial centres and one common city centre. Due to short distances transport infrastructure requirements are low, a genuine half hour city.
A Pentagon shape could increase this to 175 K. Or larger communities (either more land or higher densities) could bring this to 200 K. A locational analysis for such a city would be an interesting task. Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce recently invited fed-up Sydneysiders to move to Armidale where the railway clock stopped at midnight.
Now let’s look at NSW as a State. On the NSW population website we find this graph:
With this note: “Projections can change due to factors such as migration levels, new technology and social attitudes to different living arrangements.”
Just as in the case with Sydney, the zero NOM scenarios are buried in an XLS file:
Fig 10: NSW zero NIM and zero NOM projection (sum box added by author)
The total natural population growth 2011-2036 is 1 million (out of which 855 K in Sydney) but not 1.34 million as in Fig 9, which apparently includes natural increase from immigrants of 340 K. This should be shown separately. Apparently the government is interested to show as much growth as possible without considering immigration scenarios.
To blur the issue even further the website states:
“These projections are not targets. Projections are based on assumptions that take into account trends for births, deaths and migration.
Projections can change due to factors such as migration levels, new technology and social attitudes to different living arrangements.”
Of course the projections for overseas migration are targets which are controlled by the Federal Government. Their “Corporate Plan 2016/17” (not departmental plan, by the way!) mentions the word “target” in these tables:
And the following graph shows how federal targets have been met:
NSW has a share of around 33%. So we have 190 K x 0.33 x 20 years = 1.25 million additional permanent residents plus their natural growth.
It is argued that immigration improves the population pyramid which is strongly dependent on fertility rates. These have been in decline since 1962 and especially after 1972. They are now below replacement level (which is 2.1).
Fig 13: Fertility rates in Australia
The 2015 fertility rate was 1.8[email protected]/mf/3301.0
Let’s have a look at how these fertility rates shaped the population pyramid:
Data from table 51 in Australian Demographic Statistics, Jun 2016[email protected]/DetailsPage/3101.0Jun%202016?OpenDocument
This graph has been designed by superimposing decadal population pyramids. The 1971 population pyramid (yellow) has dents from lower fertilities during the great depression of the 1920s and 1930s and the WW2 years. We then have the baby boom years and another dent when fertility dropped from its peak of 3.5 (introduction of the pill). All in all, this 1971 pyramid had a growing population with a fertility of 3.
But then fertility dropped to around 2. Over the long term, this means a stationary population with each age group of approximately the same size, thinning at the top. In the above graph black arrows show the outline of this natural population change as age groups move up the pyramid. The population bounded by these arrows is around 7 million. Everything outside is the immigration bulge (red arrows).
Examples of migration groups are 1981-91 (91 p), 2001-2011 (11p with children 11c) and the latest, large group 2011-2016 (16p with children 16c). Note that this group has even 45 and 55-65 year old migrants. Maybe this is the business visa class and parents from the 20-35 year group.
Migrants are fed sideways into the population pyramid with following age structure: