Michael Sainsbury has done a great job exposing Prime Minister Scott Morrison at Michaelwest.com.au. Below are my favourite extracts:
WHEN SCOTT Morrison either accidently – or more likely with great skullduggery – emerged as the successor to Malcolm Turnbull in August 2018, the congratulations naturally enough flooded in. But for most Australians, it was unclear just exactly who had become their new leader.
Clues could be found in those heaping praise on the new, then-invisible PM that in itself, is no mean feat for a man who had been Treasurer for three years. Prominent in their praise were gushing notes from the Property Council of Australia (PCA), the PMs first employer and the tourism sector.
Morrison has not forgotten his old mates – he is, after all, a successful politician – and has launched a full frontal attack on Labor policies that threaten the property sector (in the name of good management of course, we would never suggest anything else)…
By 1995, Morrison felt he had a good grip on the basics and skipped out of the Bligh St offices of the Property Council of Australia where he had spent six years cutting his teeth as a spinner, lobbyist and propagandist. He landed in the tourism sector…
Perhaps this is unsurprising as all these things are hallmarks of the one through line of his career: spin-doctoring — for property and tourism lobby groups and for the Liberal Party in its backrooms and in parliament. It’s a decidedly tactical rather than strategic game operated by guns for hire rather than true believers — and Morrison has already handed the electorate ample evidence of his willingness to change his mind for votes.
Sainsbury’s article is incredibly detailed and well worth reading if you are keen to understand what drives Scott Morrison, as well as the interests lurking in the background.
If nothing else, the article helps to explain Morrison’s incessant opposition to housing and mortgage broker reform.