Last year, the Australian Treasury released a propaganda report, entitled Shaping a Nation, which admitted that the lion’s share of Australian jobs growth has gone to migrants:
Recent migrants accounted for two-thirds (64.5 per cent) of the approximately 850,000 net jobs created in the past five years. For full-time employment, the impact is even more pronounced, with recent migrants accounting for 72.4 per cent of new jobs created.
Then at a Senate Estimates hearing in May, the Department of Home Affairs confirmed that migrants have taken the majority of new jobs:
Assistant secretary in the Home Affairs statistics and information branch, Jason Russo, said it was likely that “more than 50%” of the 1 million jobs created in five years were a result of immigration.
Home affairs secretary Michael Pezzullo clarified that this was likely because immigration’s contribution to population growth in Australia was running higher than 50%…
In Estimates, officials could not definitively break down the number of permanent and temporary migrants that made up the total figure, but said that the 457 temporary skilled visa program accounted for around approximately 500,000 of the 850,000 of the jobs created in the time the report examined (which ended in 2016, well before the government reached 1 million jobs created).
Today, we have received further confirmation that migrants have taken most Australian jobs via Melbourne University demographer, Professor Peter McDonald:
“In recent times, about 75 per cent of employment growth in Australia can be attributed to recent immigrants”.
A 2017 research paper by Professor McDonald published in the Australian Population Studies Journal examined the impact of immigration on Australia’s employment growth after the Global Financial Crisis (July 2011 to July 2016).
It found that in the five-year period, employment in Australia increased by 738,800, with immigrants accounting for 613,400 of these jobs.
“Research indicates that immigration provides major benefits to the Australian economy,” his report concluded.
Here is more evidence that the mass immigration ‘Big Australia’ policy is failing to benefit the incumbent population. Instead of providing jobs, it is undercutting wages, crush-loading our cities, and forcing people to live in smaller and more expensive housing.