See our Coronavirus data Dashboard for individual country data.
COVID-19 statistics and cases around the World
Can Melbourne and Victoria eradicate the virus?
The Victorian government announced that no major changes to restrictions will happen until the 14 day average is 5 or less. This will allow hospitality to open for outdoor dining. The 14 day average will have to drop to 0 before people will be allowed to dine indoors.
Many people look to New Zealand when it comes to eradicating the virus but their peak was very small and the first wave lasted a very short time. Ireland’s COVID journey resembles Victoria as they struggled with outbreaks in aged care and a large proportion of cases were among healthcare workers. A 2km limit was enforced for 6 weeks which then increased to 5km. Ireland’s population size of 5 million makes it accurately comparable to Victoria without looking at numbers per capita. Although Ireland didn’t eradicate the virus that was never their goal. They came very close maintaining a 14 day average of 10 or less for over a month. It took approximately 2 months from Ireland to go from their highest 14 day average to their lowest. If Victoria are to follow the same trajectory their 14 day average could potentially be around 10 by the first week of October and should continue to decrease further with restrictions still in place.
More COVID-19 Statistics and Analysis
See our latest blog posts or podcasts here. See our Coronavirus data Dashboard for individual country data
Data sources
This is a list of some of the main data sources we use: Probably the best source of the latest COVID-19 statistics Tomas Pueyo has written a number of very good summaries of the strategies to overcome coronavirus Good source of fast-moving China economic stats. If you want to be bombarded with every breaking news story, this is the place Faster than worldometers for Chinese data, but slower on rest of the world data. I don’t think China cases matter anymore. I’m less enamoured of the WHO data now than I was at the start of the crisis. They are providing less information now than they were at the start of the crisis, and it sometimes contradicts country-level data. The prettiest pictures, but one of the slower sites to update. I don’t find the charts that useful. has a daily youtube wrap-up has a daily youtube wrap-up
Denise O’Sullivan is a data scientist at the Macrobusiness Fund, which is powered by Nucleus Wealth. The information on this blog contains general information and does not take into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Past performance is not an indication of future performance. Nucleus Wealth Management is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Nucleus Advice Pty Ltd – AFSL 515796.