According to the latest Roy Morgan NZ poll, it looks like NZ PM Jacinda Ahern maybe facing re-election trouble, with low support and confidence amongst NZ voters following the recent lockdowns:
Support for New Zealand’s Labour/Greens ‘coalition’ government was down 3.5% points to 46.5% in November as support for the Labour Party dropped 3.5% points to 36%. Support for the Greens was unchanged at 10.5%. This is the lowest level of support for Labour since the election of the Jacinda Ardern-led Government in October 2017 with 36.9% of the vote.
For the first time since the election support for the Parliamentary Opposition National/ Act NZ/ Maori Party has now overtaken the Government at 47% in November, up 3% points since October.
The Roy Morgan Government Confidence Rating dropped by 8pts in November to 101.5 to be at its lowest since Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern came to office four years ago in October 2017. The drop in Government Confidence came after the Auckland lockdown was extended throughout November.
In November only 46% (down 2% points) of electors said New Zealand was ‘heading in the right direction’ compared to 44.5% (up 6% points) who said New Zealand was ‘heading in the wrong direction’.

Interestingly, the ACT NZ party is growing in popularity, particularly among young men with nearly a third of men aged 18-49 (30%), overshadowing the other major parties.