NSW stamp duty receipts plunge with house prices


The NSW Office of State Revenue has released stamp duty data for September, with annual revenue falling 7% from May’s peak to $10.1 billion:

NSW stamp duty receipts

Down 7% over four months.

The decline in stamp duty follows the sharp fall in Sydney house prices since the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) first lifted the official cash rate (OCR) in early May:

Sydney dwelling values

Sydney dwelling values have fallen nearly 10% from peak.


Annual property transfers have also fallen sharply, down 13% from February’s peak:

Sydney property transfers

Sydney property transfers tanking.

The next chart shows the annual change in transfers and stamp duties together:

Annual stamp duty receipts versus transfers

Stamp duty receipts versus transfers falling fast.

The above stamp duty data lags house prices since it captures settlements, which typically occur 30 to 90 days after purchase. Therefore, the past several months of rate hikes would not be captured.

Given this inherent lag, and the fact that the RBA will likely hike rates further, house prices, transfers and ergo stamp duty receipts should continue to fall.

About the author
Leith van Onselen is Chief Economist at the MB Fund and MB Super. He is also a co-founder of MacroBusiness. Leith has previously worked at the Australian Treasury, Victorian Treasury and Goldman Sachs.