Melbourne house prices fall in November


CoreLogic has released its daily dwelling values index to 30 November, which shows that values rose by 0.6% at the 5-city aggregate level, driven by strong growth across Brisbane (1.2%), Adelaide (1.2%) and Perth (1.9%):

CoreLogic November

By contrast, values actually fell across Melbourne (-0.1%), whereas Sydney values rose by only 0.3%.

The next chart, which plots the change in values on a rolling 28-day basis, shows the sharp deceleration in Melbourne and Sydney dwelling values after the RBA hiked the official cash rate on Melbourne Cup Day:

CoreLogic 28-day change

However, Cameron Kusher from PropTrack warns not to read too much into it, since value growth typically slows at this time of the year:

Cameron Kusher Tweet

Indeed, for sale listings have surged across Sydney and Melbourne:

For sale listings

Source: CoreLogic

Regardless, dwelling values increased by 2.4% at the 5-city aggregate level over the November quarter, led by Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth:

November quarter

The rebound in values since January’s trough is still spectacular, with values up 9.8% at the 5-city aggregate level, with all major markets other than Melbourne recording strong bounces:

Rebound from low

However, national house prices are now slowing amid higher mortgage rates, falling affordability, and rising stock levels, especially across Sydney and Melbourne.

About the author
Leith van Onselen is Chief Economist at the MB Fund and MB Super. He is also a co-founder of MacroBusiness. Leith has previously worked at the Australian Treasury, Victorian Treasury and Goldman Sachs.