How does a government blow an enormous polling lead without achieving anything?
It misreads its job description, re-election strategy, economy and the world.
To wit, the latest Newspoll offers Albo no bounce:
Where did Albo go wrong? Everywhere. Excessive fiscal spending, inflation, taxes and interest rates have crushed the Australian consumer.
Was there a national interest purpose to this? Such as repatriating supply chains, similar to the Biden Administration, as a hedge against China risk.
No! Albo has doubled down on that risk.
Instead, Labor crushed consumers for the sole purpose of ‘making room’ for migrants and big business cartels out of fear of upsetting the latter.
What a crazy thing to do to the people that put you into power!
That Albo’s polls are not even worse is a function of his government being protected by the same corporate interests.
Fake left big media is obsessed with culture wars, has no idea about economics, and is on the migration take via property.
Fake right big media is equally obsessed with culture wars, on the take from migrants via property, and in bed with the cartels.
Albo is also protected by an inept opposition who seems unable to articulate anything beyond a grunt.
However, Albo’s macro mismanagement is extreme, and Aussies may throw him out simply because he has made them poorer.