This government has got to go.
Having stuffed Australia with all the wrong foreign workers, delivering a homelessness boom and unprecedented rental shock, then promising 1.2m new houses but only delivering around 700k of them, the ALP desperados are going to throw the homeless into demountable slums:
“We have the shared goal of 1.2 million homes by the end of the decade that need to be built,” Mr Husic told ABC’s News Breakfast.
“And we want to be able to build quality homes quicker and prefab and modular have come in leaps and bounds.”
“Today is about seeing what we can do – what are the challenges and obstacles in building more. Because as you say, there’s a very small amount that is currently being built,” he said.
“The big thing about it, about prefab and modular, is that it takes weeks not months. And months and months to build (and) roll them out.
The thing about modular and prefab homes is that they are generally the basis for shanty towns and slums:

No doubt there is some corrupt link to ALP mates going on here as well.
How about Useless Husic and his pack of clowns actually address the problems they created in the building industry?
First, slash immigration under 100k.
Second, impose $6Gj domestic reservation on gas to bring down building material costs.
Third, pull back on infrastructure pork to release tradies.
Fourth, put tradies on the skilled migrant list to crash bloated tradie wages.
Fifth, release land en masse to break the developer land banks.
Voila, cheap actual houses going up all over.
Yeh, nah. Let the march to Third World conditions continue!