If there is a more intellectually bankrupt political force in Australia than the Fake Left, I have yet to find it.
On the one hand, The Greens, Labor and their media cheerleaders demand ever-higher immigration while complaining about the direct fallout from it.
It could take almost a decade for the average Victorian renter who puts aside 20% of their gross income to save enough money for a home deposit in 2035, according to analysis from the state’s independent Parliamentary Budget Office.
But if rents were to increase in line at the historically high rate seen in 2022 and 2023, the time needed to save for a deposit could blow out to over 65 years.
On the other hand, they hand blood-sucking developers the keys to the kingdom, wrecking living standards.
A new planning pathway opened to developers in New South Wales this week.
Headed by the secretary of the Department of Planning Kiersten Fishburn, secretary of the Premier’s Department Simon Draper and Infrastructure NSW CEO Tom Gellibrand, the independent body will sit within the NSW planning department to fast-track approvals.
When announced, the news shocked councils across the state. “We were working collaboratively to improve the planning processes and ensure the voices of our communities are heard as part of any reform. Instead, without any warning, the premier has moved the goalposts and dropped this bombshell,” said then president of Local Government New South Wales, Cr Darriea Turley.
Removing councils from the process means removing the community’s voice, Turley said. “It will give developers a clear run to propose their own height limits, density and green space settings – it means that developers will now run our communities, not residents.”
Will this shift towards sub-continental slum towers resolve the Fake Left’s rental and homelessness crisis?
Nope. The entire schmozzle is approving (not building) 180k homes per year when the target is 240k just to prevent homelessness from getting worse under current immigration settings.

Yet the Fake Left can’t even be described as the “useful idiots” of developers.
Rather, they are just idiots. There is no margin left in dwelling construction because the Fake Left has also failed to control gas prices, which tip directly into bricks, glass, plasterboard, you name it, in building materials.

While also pricing out construction labour with its crazed and uncoordinated infrastructure push.

The Fake Left is not even trying to fix the housing crisis for its base. It is making it worse every single day.
Immigration must be cut and the gas cartel smashed, or homelessness will continue to skyrocket.