My god, the fake left has no idea what it is doing. Worse than that, it is so lost ideologically and economically that it is actively creating the very world it purports to fight.
Check out the mush published at the fake left HQ Guardian on the weekend by “immigration correspondent” Ben Doherty.
Could a politician in his likeness, a Trumpian character, emerge in Australian politics, an iconoclast who defies convention and smashes those mores previously held to be unshakeable?
…There is no Trump in Australian politics at present, argues Lachlan Harris, a former adviser to then prime minister Kevin Rudd, who is now serving as ambassador to the US. Rudd will be at Trump’s inauguration.
“I think Trump is genuinely trying to destroy democracy in America: he is trying to break the institutions of democracy, not just play hard-and-fast politics,” Harris says.
…The populist embers set ablaze by Trump in the US – and fanned by powerful acolytes like Elon Musk – burn here too. The rising cost of living and a growing inequality between the rich and the rest, now less a gap than a yawning, ever-widening chasm; disaffection over housing and opportunity, and government unwillingness or impotence to address it; a sense that the economic system is gamed against “ordinary voters”; all are sentiments common to both electorates.
…But Australia can’t presume to be invulnerable to the emergence of a Trump-like figure, Harris says.
“Everybody needs to maintain a discipline about making the ‘Trumpian’ comparison, and only use that term when we are really serious about it, so if that character comes into Australian politics, all of us – from every side – drops a nuclear bomb on that political activity in Australia when it arrives: because it will.”
Mr Harris is right. There is no Trump in Australia, which is the problem.
Doherty describes what is destroying democracy well: falling living standards, an endless housing crisis, and rising vested interests. All he missed was Chinese influence.
To end these problems in Australia requires the following:
- Immigration slashed to zero for a time and then returned to the historical average of 90k only when all housing and infrastructure shortages are resolved.
- Wholesale reform to smash oligopolies, notably in energy, but in just about everything.
- A huge push to tax resources properly and slash taxes and red tape for everybody else.
- A national project to diversify away from China.
These are all Trumpian-style policies, all of which will never see the light of day until the current norms of Australian democracy—immigration forever, no reform, terror of mining power—are smashed by a rampaging “populist” that sweeps all before him or her.
Australia needs Trump more than the US ever did, and there will be no fixing the problems cited by Doherty before we get one.
Thus the status quo class war so fulsomely defended by the fake left Guardian buffoons will never end.