Yesterday I recounted the shocking history of Grattan Institute’s destruction of Australia’s energy transition, sponsored all along by the East Coast gas cartel.
Today it returns to finish the job.
In the time since then, gas prices in Australia have stayed high, and a further problem, evident for more than a decade, has now crystallised – south-east Australia, most acutely Victoria, is running out of gas.
Existing, committed or additional domestic gas projects are too small to close the increasing supply gap, and other projects are at very early stages of development with significant technical, financial and/or regulatory risks. Aligning moves by governments and businesses to find a solution is proving to be hard, and the efforts so far have not delivered.
…Australia must stay the course of our energy transformation and avoid chasing false promises. The use of gas will continue to change, and exports will be strong for a while yet. We must solve the immediate shortfall risk and be clear on the role of gas in the transition to a net zero economy.
This is catastrophic advice, again.
There is plenty of gas in QLD.
It is cheap. Via the 2018 ACCC study.
Costs have not changed much since given the low capex and labour bills.
All we need to do is ignore Tony Wood, Grattan, and their gas cartel sponsor, and put in a domestic reservation policy for 15% of exports, along with an export levy for all revenue above $7Gj, build a few new storage tanks in NSW and VIC, and ship QLD gas south in the off-season when the pipelines are near empty.
If there are any bottlenecks, then fix them.
Whatever the cost, it will be a fraction of Wood’s catastrophic LNG imports, which will instantly double the local price of gas.
And double Grattan’s gas cartel sponsor profits.