The unthinking tank of corruption, The Grattan Institute, has coughed up another beauty today.
A growing number of Australian retirees risk falling into homelessness because they can’t afford to pay rent, said a new report aimed at lawmakers preparing to fight an election on housing and cost-of-living.
The rising cost of rent, falling rates of home ownership and inadequate rental assistance has pushed two thirds of retirees who privately rent into poverty, according to the Grattan Institute report. Half of retired people who rent have less than A$25,000 ($15,700) in their savings, it shows.
“Most older working Australians who rent do not have sufficient savings to keep paying rent in retirement,” the report said. “This problem is set to get worse.”
Higher interest rates, a dire shortage of new homes and booming population growth post-pandemic has worsened a housing crisis throughout Australia.
Stop it right there.
Why do we have these problems?
First, the Grattan Institute is the number one immigration shill in Australia. Its ceaseless cheerleading is full of dodgy data, clouded thinking, and conflicts of interest.
It is sponsored by the Scanlon Foundation, which only exists to benefit Peter Scanlon’s property empire.

Not to mention, it is sponsored and housed by Melbourne University, whose only goal in life is to stuff itself full of more foreign students driven by, you guessed it, mass immigration.
Mass immigration is the ONLY demand driver of the rental crisis that is throwing old people onto the streets.
It gets worse.
On the supply side, the primary reason there is not enough dwelling construction is it is unaffordable for builders to build because land, trady and building material costs have all soared.

Land costs are driven by, you guessed it, mass immigration. Trady costs have inflated owing to crowding out by the huge infrastructure program driven by, you guessed it, mass immigration.
Inflation in building material costs is primarily driven by the East Coast gas cartel, which also just so happens to sponsor, you guessed it, The Grattan Institute to promote rising energy costs at every turn.

The Grattan Institute is a corporate whore for hire that has singlehandedly provided the intellectual unreasoning behind the rental crisis that is throwing old Aussie onto the streets.
If you want to fix the rental crisis for all, demolish Grattan and use the bricks to build a few houses.