It’s almost as if they think nobody is watching.
Cramming more classrooms into existing schools would be necessary to save Victoria’s cash-strapped government billions of dollars on building critical new campuses, according to the state’s peak infrastructure body.
Infrastructure Victoria says the state will need to build another 60 government schools in the decade to 2036 to keep up with demand as the population grows by more than 1 million every 10 years.
A 30-year draft infrastructure strategy for the state, published on Tuesday, urges the state government to take a more cost-effective approach to building the next generation of schools by almost doubling their standard size.
It’s not like this is a surprise. It’s the only growth plan VIC has.
From the 2019 Victoria Education Census.

Make Australia Stupider Again (MASA)!

Stupider and stupider.

Labor: strong on education.