How to multiply your wealth in WoW: the ultimate gold-making guide


Looking to stack up tons of gold? We’ve got you covered!

In this guide, we’ll break down every way to boost your WoW gold reserves and live a rich life in Azeroth. We’ll cover every aspect of gold-making, regardless of the expansion or version you’re playing, so you can maximize your profits wherever you are in the game.

Raw Gold Farms

With raw gold, you just farm currency directly and get instant rewards with minimal effort. Mob grinding is the simplest method, where you just kill enemies and loot the coins they drop. Another solid source of raw gold is Daily and Weekly quests, including World Quests, which reward you with gold upon completion, around 500-1,000 gold each. If you do them consistently every day, you’ll have a steady stream of income—not millions, but a reliable way to stack up some extra gold.

Open World Farms


Another super easy way to make gold, especially while leveling a character, is open-world farming. All you need to do is grind mobs and sell everything they drop. You can loot anything from crafting materials to rare transmogs, and since almost every zone in WoW has gold-making potential, you’re never short on options. If you want to maximize your gains, consider targeting zones like Stranglethorn Vale, Silithus, Felwood, Hellfire Peninsula, Dire Maul, and Tanaris first.


Dungeons aren’t just one of the most fun activities in WoW—they’re also one of the most profitable. Clear trash mobs, loot the BoE items they drop, and either vendor them or put them on the Auction House. You don’t even have to complete the entire instance—farming trash alone can be enough. If you have the time, consider farming bosses as well, since they drop more valuable rewards, though it will take a bit longer. 



Similar to dungeons, raiding content can also help you make a solid profit. You can target high-level BoE gear, which sells for huge amounts, but keep in mind that these items have a low drop rate, so it might take time. More commonly, players farm lower-level items and materials to either vendor or sell.


Gathering professions like Herbalism or Mining let you collect and sell valuable materials. Crafting professions allow you to create specific items and put them up for sale as well. The most profitable professions depend on the content phase or expansion, but some are always reliable for making gold:

  • Alchemy is great for crafting consumables used in raids and dungeons, which are always in demand since players are always running endgame content. 
  • Enchanting provides valuable weapon and gear enhancements.
  • Jewelcrafting lets you create sought-after gems and gem cuts. 
  • Blacksmithing remains profitable by producing armor and weapons.

Other profitable craftables include mounts, pets, and anything that provides buffs and in-game advantages. The higher your profession level, the better quality items you can make, boosting your profits even further.

Item Flipping

This gold-making method is a bit more advanced, requiring knowledge of the in-game economy, market trends, and a bit of risk-taking. The core idea of item flipping is simple—buy low, sell high. You purchase underpriced items and resell them at a higher price for profit. However, success here depends on understanding what’s in demand and why. Otherwise, you risk sinking gold into items that won’t sell.


Profitability varies based on the current market, but some categories like transmogs, crafting materials, mounts, battle pets, and high-end gear tend to be solid bets. 


When it comes to gold-making, we just can’t skip mentioning addons because they’ll make your life much easier and even help you rake in more gold.

The first addon you’ll need is Trade Skill Master (TSM). It does a ton of things—from showing you current item prices based on market values to automatically posting your bids on the Auction House. It’s a must-have, but it might need some getting used to, and the more advanced features definitely need a little learning. Luckily, there are a lot of guides that can help you get started. LootAppraiser pairs perfectly with TSM. It tells you exactly how much gold you’re making while farming and even notifies you when something of value drops.

For additional addons, we recommend World Quest Tracker to simplify and structure your questing routine, plus GatherMate2 for tracking herb, mining, and treasure locations. And if you’re into crafting, CraftSim is a must as it lets you simulate crafts, helping you calculate exactly what ingredients you need and what profits you’ll make.
