Cameron Murray
Population and ageing nonsense… again
Fear-mongering about Australia’s ageing population has ramped up again recently.
2 years ago
The whole wealth measurement enterprise is broken
Do you believe this headline?
2 years ago
Mysteries of inflation measurement
Why did used cars lead to inflation in the US but not Australia?
2 years ago
Why is the rent-to-income-ratio flat?
For decades private renters in many countries have spent roughly the same share of income on housing.
2 years ago
Property cartel goes mainstream
Even writers at the New York Times are noticing that property developers won’t flood the market to bring down prices.
3 years ago
The great superannuation lie
Here’s a look at my super balance from a month back.
3 years ago
Australian politics rigged by mates and grey corruption
If you were a powerful politician, there is a good chance you would make decisions that favour your mates.
3 years ago
Land banking and the built-in speed limit on new housing
Prosper Australia released a report this week entitled Staged Releases: Peering Behind the Land Supply Curtain.
3 years ago
Debunking fertility rate paranoia
A certain type of person loves to obsess over an arbitrary point of “fertility falling below replacement” as if that is the point of no return for population collapse.
3 years ago
Renting Aussie families earn less than home owning pensioners
We hear about the struggles of age pensioners and retirement.
3 years ago